Meeting 11 (7-18)


Administrative: (HEADINGS) (Stop-Watch)

Meeting Prep


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What do you appreciate about yourself and why do you appreciate it?


In terms of the Empathy work, I appreciate my dedication and perseverance in working on it. Because, for effectiveness and to make real personal and social empathic change, this is needed.

I also appreciate my willingness to step into the unknown, like set up the empathy tent, even if I have to do it by myself. There is a sense of pushing into the unknown. Maybe an adventurous,, trying something new.

Did world traveling like this after high school, leaving my home and traveling around the world for 10 years.


I love this question. I love being immersed in the energy of empathy. I appreciate how my own learning and embodying empathy has evolved in being able to contribute to others in my private and work life

I appreciate my determination, being a continual learner and my joy for life. I also am a laughter yoga instructor which keeps me entertained as well and again bringing laughter to others


I keep trying. I am pretty stubborn and dedicated once I put my heart and mind somewhere.

I appreciate that I moved to Canada alone and built a new life here. Met my husband, met amazing people, also new sides of myself.

I appreciate my parents who are deafs and raised my siblings and me beautifully I shall say!!! I appreciate that because their disability I can see the world from an unique point of view, and I think it made me also very empathetic, observant of people’s struggles.


I appreciate my unorthodox upbringing - being exposed to all sorts of “cutting edge” psychology/emotional ideas and philosophies - it generally gave me a tolerance for that kind of stuff, as well as a more adventurous spirit and hunger to continue to grow in those ways.