Meeting 03 (5-23)

Meeting Summary



YouTube: Empathy Training Design Team 2 - Meeting 3



0. Write On Arrival Question

Before or when you arrive in the meeting, answer the question below.

    1. Join Us: designing an empathy training MOOC: T2; Meeting 3:

    2. Self connection and check in. How feeling now?

    3. Explain: Share: Arrival Question (1 min each)

      • Do Exercise

      • What feedback to you have about having an On Arrival Question?

    4. Review Meeting Outline?

      • Activities

      • What about meeting reports?

      • Do Empathic Listening or just dialogue?

    5. Summary Review of Chapter 3 and 4: Questions - slideshow

    6. Empathic Listening on the Chapters (5 min rounds, 1+ hour)

      • How was the circle

      • How was the Summary

    7. Next Steps (10 min)

      • Design and Document your activity. Place in Tool Kit folder.

      • Meeting Minutes/Report?

    8. Next Week Meeting Preparation

      • What question for next week

    9. Explain: Closing Feeling exercise: Blow Intention out

    10. End


QUESTION ON ARRIVAL: What are at least 2 questions you would ask for the 'On Arrival Question' and why would you ask these?


    1. Why are you interested in taking part in the Empathy Training Design Team?

    2. We want to know why people are interested in taking and developing the training. Want to understand the motivations and needs so that we can address them.

    3. What does a culture of empathy mean to you?

    4. The overall intention and vision of the training is building a culture of empathy. It would create clarity to know what participants feel this means. What are the qualities of this vision.

    5. Find a question that relates to the chapter we are reading.

    6. Asking questions on the chapter would stimulate ideas for the discussion and get the ideas written down so that we could collect them to expand on the chapter.

      1. Chp 3: What do you personally see as the benefits of receiving empathic listening?

      2. Chp 3: What do you personally see as the benefits of offering empathic listening?


What skills in particular do you want to hone? If you are able to sharpen that skill, which need of yours will this skill serve? Where will you use it? How will your life be different with this polished skill? What possibilities can you see in your world once you have integrated the said skill?

The purpose of these questions is to help people clarify for themselves what practical outcome they hope to see in their lives


    1. How do you envision the training fitting your life?

The question can help people to clarify how they want to bring what they are going to learn to their daily life. The idea behind is to make people think about how to bring the materials and exercises in real life context. (and not let the materials getting dusty and forgotten) = same as Rita’s

    1. What are your objectives with the curriculum?

What are the goals? How will you track your progress? How will see changes? Having goals help to be clear about the learning curve.

    1. What would you like to have learned at the end of the curriculum?

What specific skills are you looking for to improve? = same as Rita’s


The question you’ve presented is why create a culture of empathy.

We need to ask this question for several reasons:

    1. Empathy supersedes all adversarial actions

    2. It is a long-lasting way of being

    3. It is building as opposed to breaking down relationships

    4. It focuses on the wholeness of the speaker and the listener

What feedback to you have about having an On Arrival Question?

    • More explanation, didn’t felt rushed

    • Wasn’t clear at the beginning it was going to be a weekly question

    • Giving reasons as well as giving questions still is valuable & constructive and meet the need to answer the question: Why?

    • Excited to have an option to fill the time while people are early/late and to help some ideas to surface + writing down

    • Roll my eyes - what is going on but recognize it’s useful and helpful

    • Find it engaging

    • Questions are very big.Maybe send them in advance for time to reflect? Maybe an hour before?

    • As a way to settle in.

    • Everytime are different questions

    • Ask at the end of the meeting for the next week

    • A big question and a short question (focused on the learning related to the chapter)