modified contour drawing

In these recent assignments, I had two tasks, one was to draw one of my hands holding an object, and the other was to draw three different views of my shoe. First, I drew my left hand holding my iPhone earbuds. I simply started by just carefully looking at every detail of my hand and the earbuds. When I first started drawing my hand, I had drawn it too small and it didn’t really look too closely. So, I restarted and tried to make a bigger image of my hand. I started by outlining what it looked like with very light lines so I could easily go back and fix any mistake. The materials I used to create this was, just one thing which was an HB pencil. In my opinion, I think using just one simple light led pencil is very helpful to what I was drawing in this case.

Since this artwork was assigned, I didn’t really choose what to do. However, I chose what I wanted my hand to be holding and the position it would be in so I could draw it how I wanted it to look. I put the earbuds in my hand and then made a fist and rested my hand on the table. Then, I just started drawing lightly. I started off by drawing too small and so I needed to go back a draw it bigger and just take my time carefully. Drawing a hand may seem easy but it’s a lot more difficult than it seems because if you want it to look realistic, you have to really pay attention to those little details which for me, were quite hard to draw.

In my art piece, as I said my hand was holding earbuds. I guess you could say that relates to my life because I do enjoy listening to music a lot. Anyway, one thing I think I could’ve done differently to my artwork was to not press too hard on the paper. I think what I could’ve done differently to my artwork was to not rush as much because I felt like I was rushing myself to get it done and some of the eraser marks and stayed on the paper.

My next modified contour drawing was drawing three different angles of my shoe. The shoe that I drew or happened to be wearing that day was my pink vans. I was hoping that It wouldn’t be too difficult for me to draw considering it was just like a sneaker. The first angle I drew was the side angle of my shoe. I’m not positive but I’m pretty sure I used an HB pencil. Again, I just started by drawing the outline of it and then go into details afterward. After I had drawn the first angle of my shoe, I moved on to the birds eye angle, which was a little bit harder for me to draw and actually make it look realistic even though I was constantly looking at my shoe. I drew the outline of the shoe and then went in with the details after. I repeated this process for all of the angles of my shoes. When I drew the last angle of my shoe which was the front view, I thought was probably the most difficult for me because drawing a front view of something is very hard to draw on flat paper. After I had drawn the outlines of all my shoes I went back and added on every detail as possible.

I think one of the hardest things about each shoe drawing was definitely the the shoe laces. It was really hard for me to make them look accurate. It took quite a while to draw every little detail on each shoe but I had finally go it done and it turned out not too bad for me. One thing I think i struggled with, or could’ve done differently was not press too hard on the paper because it left very noticable marks where I had erased. So that was just something I think I should watch out for how hard I’m pressing on the paper. Another thing is making the shoe taller because I made it kind of short sho it looked really flat. Other than those few mistakes I was quite happy with how my shoe drawing came out and I’m glad that I drew my vans.