Arrive Alive

Arrive Alive

The arrive alive design competition is my first year participating in this competition now that I am a senior. From the start it was hard for me to find ideas that I thought would go with the slogan of arriving alive. However, For this assignment, I sketched out a phone and made a racetrack game on the phone and acted as if the car needed to get to the checkpoint just an in real life you need to make it to your destination.

The materials I used for this were colored pencils and pens mixed media paper. After I had sketched my idea and began coloring the background a pinkish orange color to sort of contrast the green. I used white colored pencils and tortillions to blend the colored pencil onto the paper. Lastly, In the text I added text and drink together because I wanted to make the message clear that it's not just one thing, it's everything that distracts you.

Overall, I like the way this design turned out and I think the slogan is pretty catchy. It reminded me of Mario Kart which I really like as well.