Sustained Investigation #8

Jumping back into my sustained investigation, I had the option of changing my inquiry question or keeping the same one. I decided to change my inquiry question, the old one, “why are dogs a man's best friend” to “ How can I use color and shape to create portraits and show the behavior/expressions of people” I changed my question because I’ve always been very interested in self portraits and learning how to draw people. I am a perfectionist so I like things to look realistic.

To start off this project, I took a picture of Sydney to go off of. I started by tracing the basics of her face and then went straight into painting. I started with painting her face and using it and then eventually went on with her hair and shirt and the background. My ideas are visually evident in my work because it shows her mood and facial expression of sadness.

Overall, I am very happy to say I am pleased with the way this project turned out because I am not very experienced with acrylic paint and I feel like my shading turnout was better than I expected. For future projects I will definitely take into consideration using acrylic paint again.