Linear Perspective

For this assignment I was given; I had to draw the perspective a room. There was specific needs in order to draw this, like there was a certain amount of furniture that was needed. The materials that I used to create this was a pencil, ruler, eraser and eventually colored pencils when I was at the end and getting ready to color it. Basically when you're doing linear perspective, you make your vanishing usually near the center of the paper and everything you draw has t connect to that vanishing point. Then, obviously you erase the excess lines when you're done.

For me, the linear perspective wasn't the easiest because I had to make it very precise and the lines and to be equal and even. It did take me a couple classes and some time at home, to get this done. One thing I struggled with while drawing this was making it look realistic and make the furniture look like it was on the floor properly.

Overall, I am proud of my artwork it was something very fun and interesting to learn. I never knew about the method that we used throughout the process had even existed and it was really awesome to learn.

I thought that the drawing the hallway in the school was fun because I get to draw something and make it look as realistic as possible.