SI #15

Taste Excitement

For this sustained investigation, I knew it needed a change because I hadn't been as happy with my previous assignments. I knew I needed to guide myself in a slightly different direction. To do so, I found inspiration and knew that adding a feature like a tongue to the portrait would be different and more funky.

To start off with this assignment, I drew out my idea on canvas paper and later when over it with bright colors of acrylic paint. I knew I wanted fun and different colors for this one to really emphasize the idea of the excitement. On canvas paper, sometimes with thin paint, I would need to coat a lot of times, which was okay in the long run because it allowed for layering and shadowing especially as seen on the hair.

The process of this was not too difficult for me. I did my research on the different types of excitements and feelings and how it is shown and i came up with this as my solution. Overall, I am very pleased with the way my work has turned out. After trying two subjects and neutral colors, I understand that this is my style and how I want my art to look.