2D Design

In 2D design I learned a lot over the semester and I also got to create a lot of projects. In the class we did a total of 13 projects and I think all of them were really fun and unique to make. However there were definitely some projects in between that I found challenging. I think my favorite project that we created throughout this semester was the duck stamp. I think I like this project best because it was my final project and I had learned from all my mistakes in the previous projects. I think I did really well with the color mixing and I spent a lot of time on the project overall. I think the details are really nice and clear as well as the reflection in the water.

Although I had a lot of fun creating these different pieces of artwork, I still had some projects that I struggled with and had to restart more than once. And even then I still wasn't happy with some of the outcomes. I think the project that I struggled the most with was the word graphic. I really struggled with this which lead me to not do my best was because I think I misunderstood the directions. I thought this was an in class activity so I thought we would be sketching it in pencil. That's why my final project was in pencil and it wasn't the most creative.

Throughout this semester I learned a lot of things but most importantly, I learned the proper paper to use with certain materials and I learned that the hard way. I also learned that it is more important to make things look realistic rather than how you want them to look. It can be a really hard thing to follow because usually I am so used to drawing what I see in my head that I am unhappy what the result is because it either doesn't look like what I was supposed to draw or it just does not look realistic.

I improved my art skills by making sure to take my time because that is really important to have good outcome for your project. I also think I got better at making significant brush strokes and blending the colors together. Before I took art in high school I had never know all the techniques to use to make your art look the best it can. For example like graphing your paper and a picture to copy it. I think that really helps get a good idea of what you want your image to look like and I think that technique really helped me. Before I was in high I barely knew how to draw animals and I always made stick figures out of everything. I always used colored pencil as my material but I have now gotten to branch out and discover more materials which I have learned to really like .

I think my work illustrates my growth as an artist because if you look at my very first project of the semester, the whatchamadrawit, I had a roughly drawn hot dog with a bowling ball and smelly socks on it which was made out of colored pencil. And now if you look at my final project of the duck stamp you can see the effort and time I took to put into this duck. I think in the future I can continue to improve by keeping in mind what mistakes I have made in the past and try to come across them again. I will also try to work with even more materials that are new to me and always take my time and put in my best thought and effort towards my projects.