Advanced Art Studio

Semester 1 Reflection

Throughout the first semester of Advanced Studio art, I've learned a lot of new things about art and media. It has also made my passion for the art and design world continue to grow. At the beginning of the semester, I had come into the class with my knowledge from 2D, 3D design and foundations of art. To me that had felt like I was pretty experienced with art and knew a lot about it. However this class has taught me otherwise. Just in the first semester I have learned so many new things about art and becoming more familiar with materials and experiencing with new medias. Coming up with an inquiry question to use for the whole year was pretty difficult for me and caused me to get stuck creatively because you are open to so many options that you have a hard time choosing. With this, I chose to use the question 'why are dogs a mans best friend? This is to get a deeper meaning of the relationships of dogs and their human owners. I've always been a dog lover and I've been eager to become stronger at drawing animal and humans because I feel i avoid so many opportunities because drawing animal and people is something i've never been good at but i want to learn how to change that. So far Advanced Studio Art has been very entertaining for me and I have been intrigued to experience with new materials but also pushing myself out my comfort zone. Thus by using new materials instead of going back to the ones I am familiar with, and using different sized paper as well as different kinds of paper. I am very excited to continue with Advanced Studio Art and continue to push my art and my thinking strategies to get deeper meanings behind my artwork.

Semester 2 Reflection

Through this strange second semester of Advanced Studio art, I've learned a lot of new things about art and media and how to work with limited materials. It has pushed me to be more and more determined for my future goals and forces me to work hard and work with what I have to still make the best I can out of it,. At the beginning of the second semester, I was excited to clean my slate with my sustained investigations and try to find my main focus and media that I love. I also liked having the opportunity to do the Duck Stamp again. However after a few assignments, unfortunately we had to stay home from school which made it more challenging to accomplish some things for home. But like I said earlier, it pushed you to work with the materials that you have and still make the best artwork. Throughout this class, it has taught me many things, I have learned so many new things about art and types of art as well as becoming more familiar with materials and experiencing with new medias. Inquiry questions were difficult me to find a passion for because I am the type of person to create something due to the mood I am in. Choosing the second topic prior to "Why are dogs a mans best friend?" I chose to create portraits and show emotion through that way. I really liked painting people and I wanted to get better at it.However, whenever I put a questions to it, to me it never turns out how I want it because I feel like I overthink how it is supposed to be. Overall, this class has taught me so many more things about art and what it carries with it. It has also helped me become prepared for AP Art next year and I am very excited to continue to use my artistic ability. I very much enjoy art and have learned many helpful things this year even if it was through videos and not in person, I still played with my creative abilities.