Doodle for Google

For this doodle for google assignment this year, the theme was how do you show kindness. To start off for me, I knew ways I could show kindness by smiling and giving hugs to people, however I was creatively stuck on how to draw it. I then came up with the idea that I can draw a growing earth and what makes the earth happy. As you can see above, I drew a garden hose for the G watering the sunflower on one of the O's. I then drew the earth as the other O and the soil, grass with flowers and sky. Lastly, for the L, I drew a growing tree and for the e I drew a wave. The materials I used for this doodle was colored pencils and a sketching pencil to start off before going in with the colored pencils. Overall, I am proud of the way my doodle looks because I did have a hard time thinking creatively what to do with all the letters but eventually everything worked out in the end.