
Angry Snowman


For this assignment the task was to create a drawing of whatever the prompt on the card is, also known as whatchamaDRAWit. I am familiar with whatchamaDRAWit from my previous class 2D design. To begin with, the prompt on the card that I drew was to draw an angry snowman yelling at the sun. I started off by sketching out my design on the rubric piece of paper to get my ideas flowing of how I wanted my art piece to look.

The materials I used for this was a thicker piece of paper to draw the snowman on, to start off with. I used templates to sketch out and get the idea of how big I wanted the snowman to be. And I also used pencil and colored pencils. Anyway, once I had got the basics of the snowman, I began to draw the the sun and background of my art piece. I spent most of my time drawing out the body of the snowman because it was hard to make it look realistic instead of just three circles stacked on top of each other. After I drew the body of the snowman I began to draw this arms, face, etc. This was a little bit tricky because I needed to draw the snowman at an angle so it looked like it was facing the sun to yell. After I had sketched everything out, I was unhappy with the way the snowman's body looked, so I began to shade different areas to give it the allusion that its facing more towards the sun. After, I began shading the sides of the circles to give the affect of a shadow to really show that the sun was facing towards sun.

Overall, I am pleased with the way my drawing came out, although I do feel like it was a little bit rushed, so I know I probably could have done a neater job. One thing that I had a hard time with was shading the snowman. I didn't know the exact spot where to shade or how to make it look realistic. So I tried my best by looking at shading images to help, and using my finger to blend in the shading.