Find Your Voice

For this assignment we had to create a piece based off an issue that is happening in the world and try to hold a strong message through it. In this case I chose to make my art piece about air pollution. I chose to make my artwork about air pollution because it is a big issue that happens in the world and will continue to effect us as we get older and continue to do nothing about it.

To start off, I got the materials needed which included watercolor paper, a pencil and a compass. I sketched out the circle with the compass to measure how I wanted the size of the Earth to be. After I had finished my sketched drawing of the earth I got the watercolor materials to paint my piece with. I decided to make the blues and greens of the Earth look a little more dirty because I was really trying to get the pollution affect on it. After I added the basic blue and green colors, I used different grays to create the smoke around it and then I used a similar gray to make the mask that the Earth is wearing.

Overall, I do like the way my art piece turned out and I am glad I chose to do air pollution because I think it turned out well and I had fun creating it. However, if I were to change it, I would add a more smokey affect to the background rather then just nothing because the background sort of sticks out on its own, which isn't the intention.