Inclusion Project


For the inclusion project, I decided I wanted to create a piece with children all holding hands, no faces on the kids and the banner "welcome everyone" behind them.

The materials I used for this project were mostly watercolor, however, i needed white too, so I used white acrylic paint as well. And then I did all of the black outlines in sharpie pen. To start off this project, I sketched everything out in pencil and then went over it in black sharpie pen. Afterwards, I took water color and started painting the children's outfits and then their skin tone. I decided to purposefully not make the kids have faces because they are more cartoon like, and I didn' t feel as if it was the most important thing for them to have faces. Mistakenly I did the background last. I was excited to jump into things, and totally forgot it would be so much easier if I had done the background first. My ideas are visually evident in this piece because as you can see above, there are three children who have disabilities, along with two who don't, all holding hands together. This shows the inclusion between disabled kids and kids who don't have disabilities.

Overall, I am pleased with the way my artwork has turned out, especially compared to my inclusion project laster year, it really shows improvement in my artwork. I also like the smaller size because I am very familiar with using the same regular size paper. However I am really glad I am able to branch out and try different materials and different sizes for my artwork.