SI #12

One Side of Us

For my sustained investigation #11 I branched out a little bit from my original painting ideas. I decided it was time to change it up to two subjects. Although there are only half faces in this [oece of mine, I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to create with two faces so I started off small with something like the image above. materials that I use on most of my works. That being acrylic paint. However, this wasn't exactly intentional.

To start off this project, I used mixed media paper and sketched out the two faces on the paper. I just did a light sketch of the simple facials features and I figured I would let the paint fill the rest in. I started off using acrylic paint but quickly hated how it looked, the more I tired to make it look better, the worse it got. I decided to grab my pen markers and create a more cartoon glossed look of a warmer and cooler tone of faces. Although this is a really simple piece, I like the shapes on the face and I like how the markers blended smoothly.

Overall, the process of creating this was more frustrating than it was fun, only because it didn't go as how I imagined it in my head. However, It was nice to find a quick solution with other materials and even helped me branch out without intentionally doing so. hopefully in the future of my artwork, I continue to play with subjects, perspective and of course, color.