Sustained Investigation #9



For this sustained investigation, I wanted to create a smaller piece since I have mainly used 12x9 paper. I've wanted to be better at using bigger and smaller sizes of paper so I decided to create a 4.5x4.5

To start off I sketch out the drawing and then from there, I pretty much went in with the watercolor. I had a harder time with the watercolor on a smaller piece of paper because the smaller brushes I have, are really old. When I need to get in really smaller places, it will smudge somewhere else on the paper. It is also difficult because it is easy for the water color to spread and the paper is s small so some things look uneven. However, My ideas are visually evident in this piece because of her facial expression and I use the background to involve the shapes around.

Overall, I am proud of the way my project came out because I have been pushing myself to be different creatively, by using smaller paper sizes and playing with perspective as well as incorporating more into my background. In the future I plan on continuing using different sizes and adding more than one subject in my projects.