Creative Color Design

For this assignment we were to paint an image using 84 different colors. Using only red, blue, and yellow, we were to make 84 colors out of them. However, it sounds difficult but there is a technique to use for this. It was made a little bit easier for us because we were given a rubric on what colors and shades we needed to make with the three primary colors we had. That way we would have exactly 84 colors. No more, no less. This project was one of the hardest for me to finish because I had missed classes. However, when I came back to start my project, I noticed how creative my peers artwork was. I was inspired and I wanted to do something other than just a grid full of colors. I went on Pinterest and looked up some ideas and I saw a picture of a wave in the sunset. I thought that image would work because I could make 84 colors out of the wave and the water and the sunset.

I began to sketch out my wave and then made sure I had exactly 84 spaces divided into 12 sections with 7 spots to put each of the color and the shades there. I went in order from the top of the rubric and began painting the wave. my idea was to have the warmer colors for the sky to give the sunset affect. and to have the cooler colors on the wave.

I don't think I had any problems throughout the making of my creative color design except for that fact that it took me a long time to finish it. Although a problem was that I don't think I was mixing the colors fast enough because I seemed to make the process a lot slower than it should have been. Overall I think I would do my project differently next time because it did not come out how I wish it had.