Sculptural Concentration #4

For my 4th artwork of my plants sculptural concentration, I decided to make a rose mosaic. I chose to create this because it was an unfamiliar material to me and I had seen other students artwork and was inspired by it. I thought it would be a fun idea to do because I wanted to make a rose anyway and I felt this was the perfect material for it. I haven't used glass since about 4th grade and even then it was different so it was really fun to experiment with it being fairly new.

To start off, I grabbed a 3x3 yellow glass slab and then used smaller pieces of red, green and white to create the rose mosaic piece. Originally I started with just red and green, and I found some red pieces and played around with different sizes to see what I thought would be the best fit for the pedals. I did the same thing with the green except it was a little easier because I really just needed bigger pieces for that, whereas for the red, I needed to find glass that would all fit together correctly to create the look of it being circular. After I played around with all the pieces I finally placed them where I wanted. Next I took elmers glue and glued the glass onto the 3x3. I realized after that the edges were open and they needed to be filled with glass in order to fire correctly. So for this I used white glass as filler, as you can see above. Once all that was done, I brought it to the kiln to be fired.

Overall, I am very pleased with the way this project came out and it might be one of my new favorites. I really enjoyed the material and the way it displays is very pretty. The only downside I had about this was that I had to use the whole space of the 3x3 because I really liked the way it looked without the white glass, however it is still just as nice with the white glass.