Photoshop Selfie

Photoshop Selfie

For this assignment, I stepped away from my sustained investigation and was introduced to the workings of photoshop. I had never used photoshop before so I found this assignment to be pretty interesting but also understood I was going to have to be patient.

How this works is I took a selfie on photobooth on my laptop and then dragged that into photoshop and added a layer and traced around all the features on my face leaving no open space and then using the bucket tool I filled in those spaces with the colors on the picture that had best matched. At first I had trouble with this because of the inexperience but once I got the hang of all the buttons I was able to create a piece of art that sort of reminded me of blind contour which is my favorite art to create.

Overall, I really liked experiencing with this digital platform because it was something I had never done before and I liked trying something different. However, this isn't really my art style so I probably would not use it on my artworks in the future but it was fin trying it out.