SI #5

Broken on One Side

For this sustained investigation I wanted to purposely create a portrait only showing half of a face. This is because I wanted to express how someone can feel yet show something different. On the side created I wanted to show someone who was struggling and just overall upset whether it be stress or whatever it is. I wanted to leave the other side as more of like a blank to show that not everyone wants to show themselves.

the materials I used for this were acrylic paint on mixed media paper. I also used white ink to add the shinier look to the skin. I stepped aside from the bright colors I normally used and decided to use more natural tones. I started off by sketching my idea onto the paper and then continued with the paint on top. I like the usage of the brush and how the strokes are visible especially on the cheek area. I also tried my best to continue to play with perspective as the person's head is slightly tilted.

Overall, I am proud of the way this artwork came out because although it is a smaller piece, I still think it shows a lot of strength in the piece. I am also pleased with the background color I chose because I think it works really nicely with skin tone I used. Moving forward from this, I wanted to continue to focus on expression, feelings and perspectives on peoples faces.