Beautiful Oops

Beautiful Oops

Beautiful oops is a project we do every year in art class. At the beginning to get back into the creative mindset, Therefore I am very familiar with this art prompt. For this, I am given a piece of paper with ink spots on it and am tasked use my creativity to make something out it. I started off by flipping the paper around to see what it reminded me of and what I could do with it. At first I was pretty stuck but then the longer I looked at it, I started to see a seahorse. The long trail of the ink reminded me of a seahorse snout so I went on from there.

The materials I used for this were watercolor and black pen on watercolor paper. I started off by using the blue water color and mixing it with green to make the bottom more dark to get a perspective of the light. As I got to the top of the water I used blue and more water depending on how light I wanted it to be. However, in the picture as you can see, it came out really light so it looks like there is a lot of unfinished coloring. Anyway, I outlined parts I wanted to add to the seahorse in pencil and then went in with watercolor. After that I went back in and outlined the faded pencil with the black pen.

Overall, this project did not come out as I had hoped it would. The watercolor became very streaky which I don't really like. Also I think it would have looked better if I had cropped the paper and there wouldn't be as much negative space. It was also difficult doing it in the lighting I was in because I couldn't really tell how white it looked until I had taken the picture. Moving forward from this, I am going to make sure I cut out a lot of negative space if I think it takes away from the actual idea. Also it is important to have good lighting when making art.