Sustained Investigation #6


For my 6th project of my sustained investigation, I had originally decided on creating a piece kind of like a comic. However, it was not turning out the way I had hoped it would and therefore, I didn't feel confident about it so I had to come up with a new idea. I decided to draw a person holding a dog with its face over the shoulder. I made the person facing backwards because I wanted to focus on the dog and what it was feeling in that moment.

the materials I used for this project was oil pastel. I decided to use oil pastel because I like the way it looks on paper and I'm usually a detailed oriented person but I wanted to challenge myself into thinking that I don't need to focus on every single detail to make it look good. I started off my sketching it out on drawing paper, I believe. I then went it with the oil pastel sticks and began to draw and burnish until my art looked pleasing to me. I decided to make the background blue because I wanted to make it look like it was taken place outside because dogs love the outdoors. My ideas are visually evident in this piece because you can see the dogs facial expression while its hugging its owner. Again with this, I tried my best by getting more of the dogs point of view and trying to show the bigger picture with the dog.

Overall, I am pleased with the way my work turned out especially using a somewhat unfamiliar material. However, I also feel like it was rushed since the other one didn't work out the way I wanted it to. For my next project, I might try to create the comic style again or something that can really tell a story through the artwork. This is because I want my artwork to dig deeper into my question I just need to figure out how I am going to do it.