AP Art & Design

Semester 1 Reflection

This year has been different for art. I was used to spending my time in the art room filled with endless opportunities of supplies and being able to physically be able to see others artwork. However, this year although it may be different I still found my way to create art in my own space and gather my own materials. This year my materials are limited, but thanks to the school, I was able to be allowed some supplies to take home. I think for me, creating art at home is a lot more difficult because I don't really have a designated space that I can be comfortable at. I learned to be more individual and creative but also there have been many times of feeling stuck because being at home doesn't allow me to get a lot of inspiration for my art. However, my inquiry question this year is similar to the one I chose last year for second semester, I really enjoyed created portrias and bettering my skill on facial features. This year I decided to create portrait using color, however, i added more of a cartoon look to thm, so they're not supposed to be realistics more of a fun funky style. I do enjoy this inquiry question and I plan to continue with in next semester and am excited to continue to push my art skills and continue to grow with my art with more depth and perspective.

Final year reflection

AP Art and Design has continued to teach me more in depth about the importance of art. This year especially I learned a lot about the importance of color and brush marks, as that was my main focus of my sustained investigation. The year prior to this I had changed my sustained investigation into portrait based art ideas and I knew I wanted to continue with that. The beginning semester was a bit more difficult with my sustained investigation because I was limited to the number of times I was able to physically be in the art room and create my ideas on different mediums. However, I had plenty of space and enough materials that I was able to create my own. The second semester went a lot more smoothly and I felt more confident being in the art room and creating my pieces. For my sustained investigations, I liked to focus on making colors a big part of each face and the lines moving swiftly with each face. I also liked adding in little extra pieces of detail, whether that be, glasses, etc. I really enjoyed creating portraits and bettering my skill on facial features and expression. I like my art style especially because it allows me to not be a perfectionist and that it is okay if my art doesn't look exactly realistic. I like having that cartoon funky look to it. It helped me push my art skills and continue to grow more in depth and change my perspective. Overall, this class has taught me so many more things beyond what I am just creating with my materials. There are so many different careers and such things that involve art everyday. Art is everywhere and it's an important thing to incorporate in everyday life. I’m very thankful I was able to pick up this skill throughout my four years taking art and it will definitely be very helpful for my future in the arts with my major in interior design.