3D Design

3D design has taught me a lot about many things about art. By far this was my favorite art class that I have ever taken. 3D stands out to me because like most normal art classes, I was always exposed to drawing, painting, that kind of thing; basically everything 2D. However, 3D was special to me because I had never done anything three dimensional in the art world and I found myself really liking it. I liked playing around with different materials, some that I was familiar with, others not so much. It was fun doing more hands on and getting your hands dirty creating art. I was already familiar with clay and I've always liked it so I figured it would be fun. But even then, I had no idea that sgraffito was even a thing and that you could do so much more with clay than just glaze. There were so many other new materials like the glass mosaic that I haven't had much experience with which I really enjoyed. I learned from many mistakes I made with these materials and what colors and materials work best for me. As you can see by the pictures above, my work shows how I have improved greatly, through 3D design starting with the paper sculpture which turned out very poorly due to mistakes made while creating the project. All the way up to my sculptural concentrations which I am very proud of. From the beginning of 3D design up until this point, I have made many mistakes in between and I have learned what do to and what not to do which my work illustrates.

The most challenging project for me in 3D design was probably the paper sculpture. This was challenging for me because I had missed class on the tutorial of what we were going to be doing and when I came back, I was fresh out of ideas so I made a paper lightbulb but the paper ended up sticking to the lightbulb and I had to scrape it off and my project was ruined. Even though I started off 3D design not on the strongest note, I learned from my mistakes and payed careful attention to my next projects to make them the way I would hope they turn out. The project that I that I am most proud of is my clay sgraffito animal. I am most proud of this piece because it is something I worked really hard on and I felt that I put 100% of my time and focus into it. I also loved it because sgraffito was new to me and when I added it onto my animal, I was very happy with the way it looked and also the glossy effect it had after I added the glaze. I found it to be very visually appealing.

My work illustrates my strengths and weaknesses as a learner because there are a few art projects that I felt rushed and the projects that were late. They show my weakness as a learner because if the way the art piece was made, you can tell it wasn't as carefully made. However, I have learned from this and hope not to see it again in my art future. These art projects also show my strengths because you can tell where I have taken my timer and worked very carefully to make every little thing perfect the way I want it; there are also just some things in art that I was naturally better at. Like using clay for example, it is shown that I used it in many projects above and I believe it shows my weaknesses. My favorite project in 3D this semester was probably the plaster hand sculpture. I really liked this one because I've never worked with the plaster before and using my hand as a mold was really cool to do for a project. I also liked the idea that I came up with to make out of my plaster hand. I really enjoyed the new experience of 3D design this year and can't wait for more art classes to come.