1995 Girls Volleyball

The members of the 1995 Girls volleyball team includes (front row) Erica Mueller, Kristin Friant, Tracy Fox, Diane Hobson, Jenni Shelian; (middle row) Coach. Crays, Courtney Bersano, Christy Simmons, Sara Rau, Lisa Davidson, Kate Krause, Coach Johnna Franklin; (back row) Kelle Smith, Kristi Eaton, and Sarah Beebe.

Overall Record: 20-16-1

Conference Record: 5-4

The 1995 girls volleyball team had 20 wins. They finished second in conference. Two athletes earned all-conference status.
Page researched by Jacob Moncrief, 2018
Head Coach: Johnna FranklinAssistant Coach: Coach Crays
Home Court: MCHS main gym, 301. S. Wabena Ave., Minooka
IHSA Class: 2A Conference: Suburban Prairie - Red
All-Conference Athletes: Sarah Beebe, Sara Rau
Photos1995-96 Yearbook
Girls Volleyball 1995
Sources: 1995-96 MCHS yearbook, IHSA.org