1977-78 Girls Athletic Club

The members of the 1977-78 Girls Athletic Club include (bottom row) Miss Kathy Kenney, S. Dix, L. Steffes, B. Cotter, L. Carlson, D. Flynn, C. Mills, D. Yunker, D. Oldani, T. Stassen; (second row) L. Eastman, D. Mitchell, V. Elenwood, S. Feoney, M. McDonald, M. McEvilly, C. Siegel, N. Stenzel, L. Thompson, S. Stephenson; (third row) L. Elenwood, P. Norton, D. Coppedge, J. Betzwiser, L. Hanson, Ro Davis, R. Lehman, S. Young, J. Schuck, L. Todd, W. Patton, D. Nosse, D. Mills, S. Underhill, S. Wilson, T. James, A. Roller; (top row) C. Dunham, C. Brenkacz, J. Boothe, J. Arnold, D. Lawrence, J. Benson, J. Boggs, G. Norton, K. Towles, C. Carugati, and A. Sielg.  
The 1In 1977-78 the Girls Athletic Club hosted a bake sale and sock hop to raise funds for their father-daughter and mother-daughter banquet.  On April 18, 1978, 46 GAC members, alongside their mothers, attended the annual banquet which included a smorgasbord menu, impromptu speech, a drawing, and a “50’s radio segment.
Page researched by Chelisse Parrilla,  2023
Head Adviser: Kathy Kenney
Location:  MCHS, 301. S. Wabena Ave., Minooka
Peace Pipe Chatter ArticlesMay 1978
Yearbook Pages1977-78 Yearbook
Sources: 1977-78 yearbook, Peace Pipe Chatter