1978-79 Girls Athletic Club

The members of the 1978-79 Girls Athletic Club include (first row): L. LaCassa, J. Boothe, J. Benson, J. Schuck, R. Davis, D. Mills, J. Boggs, Ms. Kathy Kenney;  (second row) J. Wahl, J. Thornton, S. Larkin, L. Thornton, H. Gillis, K. Lashbrooks, C. Brenkacz, J.Foster, J. Wildely;  (third row) C. Butler, D. Smith, J. Betzweiser, S. Dix, A. Roller, D. Nosse, C. Wagner, W. Drancik, C. Dunham;  (fourth row) L. Larkin, P. McClintok, J. Doyle, D. Mellendorf, L. Todd, M. Fillipitch, K. Thompson, D. Szepelek, R. Lehman, S. Flynn.  Fifth Row: M. Eckstein, M.Crego, C. Pifer, S. Broughton, V. Migliorini, K. Meyer, S. Wilson, C. Comer, D. Daly, M. Lorenz, and A. Ledwig. 
The 1978-1979 the Girls Athletic Club held many meetings and events.  In the beginning of December they held a bake sale at Channon Aires Mall in Minooka.  Later in December the girls had a Christmas party with gifts and entertainment.  In April the annual Mother - Daughter Banquet was held and the party included food and a skit called “The Phases of Being a Women.”  Later that month the Annual Father-Daughter Banquet was held which included food with an open gym having scooters and volleyball. 
Page researched by Lydia Michalesko,  2023
Head Adviser: Kathy Kenney
Location:  MCHS, 301. S. Wabena Ave., Minooka
Peace Pipe Chatter ArticlesDecember 1978April 1979
Yearbook Pages1978-79 Yearbook
Sources: 1978-79 yearbook, Peace Pipe Chatter