1979-80 Girls Athletic Club

The members of the 1979-80 Girls Athletic Club include Lauri Todd, Colleen Brenkacz, Chris Dunham, Sandy Dix, Donny Dix, Heather Gillis, Debbie Daly, and Lona Shearer (others not listed).
In 1979-1980 the Girls Athletic Club held multiple events throughout the year. In the beginning of April 1980 the G.A.C held their annual Mother-Daughter banquet. Seventy-eight people attended to enjoy a nice family-style meal. There was entertainment that was presented after the meal by different members of the club. There were readings presented by Lauri Todd, Collen Brenkacz,  and Chris Dunham. Donny Dix and Sandy Dix also performed impersonations at the banquet.  The evening ended beautifully with drawing for the floral centerpieces. 
Page researched by Maleah Belton,  2023
Head Adviser: Kathy Kenney
Location:  MCHS, 301. S. Wabena Ave., Minooka
Peace Pipe Chatter ArticlesMay 1980 
Yearbook Pages1979-80 Yearbook
Sources: 1979-80 yearbook, Peace Pipe Chatter