2017 Girls Lacrosse

The members of the 2017 girls lacrosse team include Katie Engel, Chloe Bacza, Samantha Dunavan, Sydney MacDonald, Molly Freeman, Elizabeth Cook, Victoria House, Lauren Heafy, Hannah Janick, Kathleen Carino, Faith Herrera. Note: several are missing from this list.

Overall Record 3-11

Playing under club sport status, the 2017 girls lacrosse team had three wins throughout the season. Little information is available for this team.
Page researched by Nik Klukas
Head Coach: Dean Campbell
Home field: Lyondell Basell Employee Park, 9331 Tabler Rd., Morris
Played under club sport status
All-Conference Athletes: N/A
2016-17 Yearbook
Girls Lacrosse 2017
Sources: IHSA.org, 2016-17 MCHS yearbook, Peace Pipe Chatter, MaxPreps.com