1974-75 Girls Athletic Club

The members of the 1974-75 Girls Athletic Club include (front row) T. Dailey. B. Collins, P. McEvilly, M. McDonald, M. McDonald; (second row) K. Brannick, D. Kavich, S. Fleming, P. Fisk, J. Drancik, C. Durkee, L. Knudson, J. Stirniman, M. Powell, D. Winterbottom, L. Ludeman; (third row) D. Knudson, C. Mills, L. Mauk, J. Kubinski, V. Elenwood, M. Fleming, M. McEvilly, L. Thompson, S. Miller, P. Towles; (fourth row) C. Pazely, C. Hammer, M. Fleming, J. Dullard, N. McEvilly, S. Dullard, J. Smith, D. McGee, M. McDonald, K. Hammer; (fifth row) G. Slingsby, J. Hentze, D. Swiggett, C. Price, S Smania, and adviser Miss Kathy Kenney.
In 1974-1975 the Girls Athletic Club held many meetings and events. The girls would meet every Tuesday, but GAC really ramped up in the spring. In the spring they had a mother-daughter banquet and a bake sale. Then after they had a father-daughter night where the girls brought in their dads to compete in games in the gym and sold t-shirts for fundraising. Their last big event was the lock-in.  Their weekly meetings consisted of working out using the equipment in the gym. If they chose to order them the girls got jersey shirts and sweatshirts. 
Page researched by KJ Driscoll,  2023
Head Adviser: Kathy Kenney
Location:  MCHS, 301. S. Wabena Ave., Minooka
Peace Pipe Chatter ArticlesNovember 1974December 1974
Yearbook Pages1974-75 Yearbook
Sources: 1974-75 yearbook, Peace Pipe Chatter