1975-76 Girls Athletic Club

The members of the 1976-77 Girls Athletic Club include (front row) S. Underhill, P. Fisk, L. Simmons, N. Stenzel, Miss Kathy Kenny; (second row) S. Etiene, C. Carugati, T. James. S. White, B. Cotter, C. Alberico, R. Davis, V. Elenwood, M. Fleming; (third row) L. Burke, W. Peterson, P. Newcomb, C. Sak, P. Borella, S. Jensen, S. Flynn, D. Mills, L. Thompson, M. McDonald; (fourth row) L. Steffes, S. Fleming, M. McEvilly, C. Gladkowski, G. Norton, B. McCoy, d. Knudson, L. Mauk, L. KundsonM. Powell, G. Saltzman, K. Hammer; (fifth row) P. Towles , D. Flynn, E. Coop, C. Pazely, D. Olmstead, J. Stirniman, K. Towles, D. Winterbottom, C. Durkee, B. Steffes, J. Kubinski, S. Wilson; (sixth row) C. Mills, S. Stephenson, S. Anderson, J. Tanner, J. Hansel, D. Yunker, T. Stassen, J. Drancik, and S. Miller. 
Little was reported in the student newspaper or yearbook about the Girls Athletic Club during the 1976-77 school year. 
Page researched by Juliet Michalesko,  2023
Head Adviser: Kathy Kenney
Location:  MCHS, 301. S. Wabena Ave., Minooka
Yearbook Pages1975-76 Yearbook
Sources: 1975-76 yearbook