State Museum of History and Culture in Fergana

Ancient Gold Jewelry at the State Museum of History and Culture in Fergana

The State Museum of History and Culture in Fergana region stores women’s gold jewelry and outfits dating back to the Bronze Age.

“Our fund stores gold earrings, rings, agate beads found in Kuchkorchi that belonged to the Bronze Age (12-10 century BC). These women’s products are considered a unique find for the history of world culture. During the transition to the Iron Age (6-4 century BC), the status of women in society was very high. We can see this by the example of artifacts found in different regions of Fergana valley. Most of the items among the artifacts found in the town of Oktom near Fergana, in Damkul cemetery, in the village of Vodil belong to women”, says Director of the museum Bakhodirjon Khoshimov.

It is noteworthy that women wore printed rings that personified a large family. Gold jewelry and items made since ancient times by jewelers were intended mainly for women.

M.Sulaymonov, UzA

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