Odessa Numismatics Museum

During the period V - IV BC almost all main Greek cities - policies of the Northern Black Sea Region were crossed to mint their own silver and copper coins. Olbia and Panticapaeum mint also gold coins. Coinage of polis' coins proceeded till second half of III century AD.

Rare Coins of the Northern Black Sea Region

8. Cyzicus' coin found in Nikonion. Stater. V-IV BC.

© The Odessa Museum of Numismatic 2000

Monetary circulation in the Southern territory of modern Ukraine arises to epoch of resettlement here Greeks from Asia Minor and development of trade relations between them and other Greek World and also local Scythian and other barbarous tribes (Celts, Thracians, Sarmatians, etc.). Many barbarous tribes of the Northern Black Sea Region minted own coin as imitations the Greek and Roman coins. So-called Ukrainian aureuses of period Chernyahov Culture (II - IV AD) are also the production of barbarous mints and workshops.

Coins of Barbarous Tribes of the Northern Black Sea Region

21. Ukrainian aureus. Imitation of aureus Marcus Aurelius. Gold. II century AD.

© The Odessa Museum of Numismatic 2000