WKR Local History Museum

The tradition of careful preservation of heritage of ancestors originates since ancient times. At the beginning of a new era, people not to lose communication with the past, accurately stored clothes, the weapon, the products of the life which have devolved to them by inheritance in huge chests. When these things became very much that they already simply weren't located in larets, people decided to collect all available surplus in one place and to expose them on a public inspection. So there were first museums of local lore.

In Kazakhstan one of the oldest museums of this kind settles down in Uralsk. Today in funds of the West Kazakhstan regional local history museum about hundred thousand exhibits oldest from which are the V-IV centuries are dated BC.

The West Kazakhstan regional local history museum was created in 1836. As his founder the teacher of the Ural army school M.K.Kurilin acted, with support of the known scientist and traveler G. S. Karelin.

Originally the museum settled down in the school building. However over time its exposition considerably expanded that led to registration change.

Today in the main building of a museum 8 specialized halls where the exhibits narrating as about certain historic figures (khan Zhangir, ханша Fatima), and the whole eras (the Middle Ages, the period of the USSR, independent Kazakhstan) are collected settle down. Besides, now the structure of a museum includes 8 branches – a house museum E.Pugacheva, A.S. Pushkin's museum, a historical and ethnographic museum of Zhangir of the khan, a museum of artist S. Gumarov, a museum of history of arts of D. Nurpeysova, the Karatobinsky regional local history museum of M. Meraliyev, a local history museum of Syrym Datov, and also a local history museum of the settlement Kokterek.

Number of the most significant exhibits of the West Kazakhstan regional local history museum treat: silver фалар (ІV of century BC), podpruzhny bronze metal plates (V-І the V centuries BC), the silver ladle presented by Elizabeth І to ataman M. Ponomarev (to H_H in), a serpentine saber (XV ІІІ century), a stone altar (V-І the V centuries BC).

The Historical and Local History Museum of the West Kazakhstan Region presents to visitors the books of A. Kharuzin "The Golden Princess" and "Dombra of Kurmangazy"

In the framework of the international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017 in ethno-aul located on the territory of the racetrack "Kazanat" of the city of Astana, the exhibition was opened, organized by the Historical and Local History Museum of the West Kazakhstan region.

About 400 valuable exhibits, brought to the capital from the city of Uralsk, located at the junction of two great civilizations - Europe and Asia, are exhibited at the exhibition. Attention of residents of the capital and guests of the international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017 will be presented valuable archaeological exhibits, jewelry, ethnographic values ​​of the historical and local history museum of the West Kazakhstan region, one of the oldest museums in Kazakhstan.


We were among those who saw the Golden Princess, which occupies a special place among the exhibits. It can not but arouses the interest of visitors. "The Golden Princess", found in the burial complex of Taksay, Terekti district of the West Kazakhstan region, belongs to the ancient Sarmatian era of the IV-VI centuries BC, one of the four golden people found on the territory of our country.

Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA

Author: Altynbek Khumarzakh

1. Алтын шекеліктер. Лебедевка қорымы. Бдд VІ-V ғғ.

2. Алтын шекеліктер. ІІ Кырык Оба қорымы. Бдд VІ-V ғғ.

3. Алтын алқа. Лебедевка қорымы. Бдд VІ-V ғғ.

4. Алтын алқа. Қырық Оба ІІ, 23 қорған.

Артефактілер. Page 17 of 23

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"Beetle-shaped gold earrings."

Мокринский бейіті. Жаңақала ауданы. Алтын Орда дәуірі (ХІV-ХVғ.ғ.).

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"Gold pendants (V century BC)"

Лебедевка ІІ № 6-шы оба.

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Жемчужина қоры

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Жемчужина қоры

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Жемчужина қоры

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Жемчужина қоры

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