Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum

For many centuries, jewelry was one of the most advanced arts in Azerbaijan. Throughout its history, artists from different regions skillfully used various jewelry techniques and developed its traditions.

The museum, which was founded in 1967, has from its inception amassed valuable collections, including elegant examples of decorative applied art and jewelry. Currently in the museum’s jewelry fund about 800 exhibits are preserved.

Presented within the fund’s exposition space are items such as women’s and men’s jewelry belonging to the late 19th - early 20th century, as well as some created in the Bronze Age.

Also displayed are women’s jewelry of nearly every type made in the different techniques of this art. Men’s jewelry items mainly embody the dignity and bravery of the person to whom they belonged.

Along with these delicate antique exhibits, one can see works by contemporary artists who continue the traditions of Azerbaijani jewelry. The displays prove once again that centuries-old jewelry traditions, which were transmitted from generation to generation, are eternal.

Collection. Jewelry Fund

© Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum