Gyeongju National Museum

Gyerim-ro Tomb No. 14, Gyeongju / Silla, 5th C. / L. 36.0㎝

This ornamental dagger sheath was excavated from the wooden chamber tomb located in stone mound #14 in Gyerimno, Gyeongju. At one time, there was a wooden attachment to the knobbed-handle and the sheath, but it has rotted away. The handle and sheath are entirely wrapped with thin gold plates, and smaller pieces of gold plate are attached to the surface in the shapes of waves, leaves, circles, ovals, and pinwheels. These attachments are further decorated with red agate and other pieces of unknown gemstones. The confluence of geometrical design with the red and grey gemstones, and the luminous hue of the gold plates give the sheath an appearance that is both splendid and luxurious.