People's Daily Online

Chashan village tombs in Tianzhu County, Gansu Province, are the most complete tombs of Tuyuhun royal family in the early and middle Tang Dynasty. A large number of gold and silver wares, lacquered wood, leather, silk and hemp fabrics, painted pottery and other relics have been unearthed, fully demonstrating the Tuyuhun Royal funeral system and customs. It is of great value to study the genealogy of King Tuyuhun, understand the political and military relationship between the Tang Dynasty and Tuyuhun, as well as the history of ethnic relations and material culture along the silk road.

The cemetery, drainage facilities and ancestral hall of Xuewei tomb No.1 in Dulan hot water tomb complex, Qinghai Province, are the most complete and clear-cut high-level tombs with the most complete structure and the most clear layout. The martyr horse pit is found in the tomb passage, which provides important data for the study of the ancient Tibetan Plateau funeral system and religious concepts. A large number of exquisite relics are preserved in the tombs, and some of the relics' crafts and decorative patterns are full of ethnic styles such as sassanpos in Western Asia and sogde in Central Asia, which proves that Dulan, as an important node of the Silk Road, plays an important role as a bridge and hub in the cultural exchange between the East and the West.

A rare and exquisite mural painting was found in tomb No.1 of wulanquangou, Qinghai Province. The decorative forms and painting techniques have a strong style of Central Plains, and the contents have the characteristics of nomadic ethnic groups on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. It is of great value to explore the process of the integration of Han and Tibetan culture and the communication among ethnic groups along the silk road. A well preserved gold-plated crown and Turquoise gold cup were found in the tomb's hidden space. It is speculated that the owner of the tomb is a member of the Tubo royal family in the Tang Dynasty, which provides clues for understanding the administrative and military system of the Tubo in the Tang Dynasty.

The Fengsui site of keyakkuduke, Yuli, Xinjiang, is preliminarily inferred to be one of the four towns in Anxi of Tang Dynasty, and Yanqi Town had military facilities under it. Archaeological work has basically clarified the structure of the Fengsui site, unearthed a large number of precious documents, wooden slips and other literature materials, involving military, political, economic, literary and many other aspects, recorded in detail the names of military facilities at all levels along the Kongque River, filled in the blank of historical documents on the defense system of military towns in the Tang Dynasty, and provided a reference for understanding the frontier life and military management system of the Tang Dynasty The first-hand materials prove the effective governance of the Tang Dynasty on the western regions and the recognition of the central government by all ethnic groups.


Editors in charge: Liu Jingting, Ding Tao

Tomb No. 1 in Wulanquangou, Qinghai: Inlaid with turquoise four-curved golden cup

Source: People's Daily Online-Culture Channel

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