Scientific Bulletin of the National Museum of Ukrainian History

Udovychenko, I. (2019). BATTLE WITH THE MONSTER: PAGAN, CHRISTIAN AND POSTMODERN VERSIONS, DEPICTED ON THE OBJECTS OF JEWELRY ART. Scientific Bulletin of the National Museum of Ukrainian History, (4), 491-503. Retrieved from

Udovychenko, I. (2019). BATTLE WITH THE MONSTER: PAGAN, CHRISTIAN AND POSTMODERN VERSIONS, DEPICTED ON THE OBJECTS OF JEWELRY ART. Scientific Bulletin of the National Museum of Ukrainian History, (4), 491-503. Retrieved from

Fig. 1. Horse bridle jewelry: headband and muzzles. Gold. Sumy region, village Wolves. IV century BC.

Рис. 1. Прикраси кінської вузди: начільник та нащічники. Золото. Сумська обл., с. Вовківці. ІV ст. до н. е.

Udovychenko, I. (2019). BATTLE WITH THE MONSTER: PAGAN, CHRISTIAN AND POSTMODERN VERSIONS, DEPICTED ON THE OBJECTS OF JEWELRY ART. Scientific Bulletin of the National Museum of Ukrainian History, (4), 491-503. Retrieved from

Fig. 2. A fragment of the Vovkivets chief.

Fig. 3. Fragment of the pectoral. Gold. Dnipropetrovsk region, Tovsta Mohyla mound. IV st. BC is.

Fig. 4. A fragment of the temporal pendants. Gold. Cherkasy region, mound № 4 near the village of Novosilka. IV st. BC is.

Рис. 2. Фрагмент вовківецького начільника.

Рис. 3. Фрагмент пекторалі. Золото. Дніпропетровська обл., курган Товста Могила. IV ст. до н. е.

Рис. 4. Фрагмент скроневих підвісок. Золото. Черкаська обл., курган № 4 біля с. Новосілка. IV ст. до н. е.

Вітрик, І. С. (2019). LUNATE PENDANT FROM OLBIA IN THE COLLECTION OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORICAL TREASURES. Scientific Bulletin of the National Museum of Ukrainian History, (4), 63-68. Retrieved from

The article is about the piece of jewellery from the funds of the National Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine. The technique of jewellery making, the possible place of its production, the connection of lunate pendants with the fertility cult are considered. Analogies to this pendant are provided.

Вітрик, І. С. (2019). LUNATE PENDANT FROM OLBIA IN THE COLLECTION OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORICAL TREASURES. Scientific Bulletin of the National Museum of Ukrainian History, (4), 63-68. Retrieved from