Heydar Aliyev Center

The Heydar Aliyev Center has just added on display the oldest jewelry piece of the South Caucasus. The golden necklace of the Eneolithic period is included in “Azerbaijan Treasures: through the wave of history” permanent exhibition of the Center.


This piece of jewelry was discovered in 2008 near the village of Dize, Sharur district of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic during archaeological excavations in the ancient settlement location on the Hunters Hill (Ovçular Təpəsi). The necklace is the oldest piece of jewelry found in the South Caucasus. Prior to this discovery, the most ancient gold jewelry piece in the South Caucasus was discovered during excavations in Georgia and was considered an item of early Bronze Age era.

The golden necklace, found in four parts has rather elegant handcraft for its own time. Findings in Nakhchivan proves the existence of sprouting and copper smelting in V millennium BC, that in its turn undoubtedly had to affect the development of various arts and crafts, including jewelry making. The golden necklace discovered on the hillside is the only artifact that confirms it.

“Azerbaijan Treasures: through the wave of history” permanent exhibition, at the Heydar Aliyev Center, serves to convey cultural values and traditions of our country to future generations. More than 200 exhibits – items from the Mesopotamian, Bronze Age Gobustan rock paintings, e. Archaeological finds of III-I millennia BCE, weapons dating 18th-19th centuries, copper and jewelry, national costumes, carpets, musical instruments, etc. are presented. Visitors can view the oldest jewelry in the South Caucasus among these historical exhibits as well.

Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. THE HEYDAR ALIYEV CENTER PRESENTS PEARLS OF THE KHOJALY-GADABAY ARCHAEOLOGICAL CULTURE

Jewelry items were discovered during archaeological exploration work carried out by the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in the Ganja-Gazakh region.

In one of the ancient grave monuments, destroyed as a result of natural and anthropogenic impact were found 52 gold products - pair of earrings, ring, leaf-like and tubular beads and ornaments in the form of pendants.


Deputy Director of ANAS Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, Doctor in History Museibli Najaf said that, these archaeological finds indicate that, the gold metallurgy in Azerbaijan before our era 3000-2700 years ago was at a high level and these decorations have high historical value in terms of studying this era.