Institute for Applied Museology

The beginning of the museum work in Varna was made by local public figures and intellectuals in the 1880s. In 1901 the Varna Archaeological Society was established, which takes care of the museum in the city. As a result of June 5, 1902, the Municipal Council approved the draft of the Varna Archeological Museum. After a long preparatory work on June 11, 1906, a room at the Girls High School ceiling is provided and the District Museum was officially opened. Its statute states that the aim is for the population to get acquainted with the history of the district "from the ancient times to the present day". The establishment of the museum as a regional institution is an important sign for the role of the Varna Collection for the Conservation and Promotion of Cultural Heritage in Northeastern Bulgaria. In 1945 the Varna Museum was declared a state museum. In 1950 it was given the building of the primary school on Sheinovo Str. There, in 1952, its new exposition was opened. On March 3, 1983, the first floor of the Girls High School building was provided for the Archaeological Museum's exposition and the corresponding as part of the new Historical-Art Museum. Since 1993, the Girls High School building has been entirely occupied by the restored Archaeological Museum. A new exhibition with a total area of ​​about 2000 square meters has been created, and there is a permanent exhibition of icons from XVI-XIX century. Today the Varna Archaeological Museum is a major department in the structure of the Regional Historical Museum.

According to the Statute, approved in 2013, the Varna Regional Museum is of a general profile. Its structure consists of five specialized departments, eight administrative, conservation and restoration workshops, a laboratory for dermoplastics and a photo studio. The museum has a library, supports five permanent expositions. It manages and promotes several archeological reserves of national importance. It conducts field and scientific research. It creates scientific books, periodicals, catalogs and other printed materials inherent in museum activity. The Varna Museum is one of the first in the country to create " Augmented reality " mobile applications related to objects from their collections.

Translation Yordan Georgiev - trainee