Vologda State Museum-Preserve

The fund contains items and collections that characterize the development of industrial culture and social relations from the Mesolithic to the late Middle Ages. This material is from the excavations of famous archaeologists who worked in the region: A.N. Bryusova, A.V. Nikitina, L.A. Golubeva, N.A. Tukhtina, S.V. Erroneous.

In chronological and territorial terms, material from different parts of the region is presented unevenly. More than 50% of the fund comes from the Vologda region due to excavations of a large multi-layer settlement Veksa, while from 10 regions of the region archaeological material is not presented at all.

The fund contains a large amount of material characterizing the periods of the Mesolithic, Neolithic, developed Middle Ages, materials from urban excavations. Objects that characterize the region during the Chalcolithic, Bronze, and early Middle Ages are poorly represented. The fund lacks materials to characterize the culture of the early Finno-Ugrians and Slavs.

Gold belt tip VOKM 28430 - Наконечник ремня золотой ВОКМ 28430

Holdings of the Museum / Archaeology Collection

Вологодский государственный историко-архитектурный и художественный музей-заповедник