Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Culture and Sport of RK transferred 968 archaeological finds to the fund of the National Museum.

Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan transferred 968 archaeological finds from the burial mounds located in East Kazakhstan region. It is the result of nearly 5-year work of RSE «Kazrestavratsiya» foe restoration and conservation of monuments and antiquities.

This year of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic was marked by the great event — Ministry of Culture and Sport transferred an extensive collection of unique finds after the restoration in the leading national laboratories. Two leading organizations working in this field, RSE «Kazrestavratsiya» of MCS RK and Research and Restoration Laboratory «Ostrov Krym» presented results of their work.


The transfer of 968 restored monuments and antiquities to the funds of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in the framework of presentation. These artifacts are finds of famous archaeologist Zeinolla Samashev, discovered in Berel burial mound by him. Visitors can see restored archaeological finds on the exhibition «Images from past in present» in the atrium of the museum.


As a result of the activity of the laboratory, items found in the burial mounds of Berel, Karakoba, Baigetobe and others were saved from darkness of the past. Extensional reconstructions of Golden man’s clothing, Taksay priestess (Altyn khanshaiym), chiefs whose remains were found in the burial mounds of Aral-tobe, Baigetobe, Taldy-2 were performed. Look at the photos, they are original witnesses of those efforts made by the restorers to bring essentials to the ancient things back. Priceless objects that strike us accuracy of implementation, courage of conception are recreated from scraps, fragments and grains.

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