Altai Museum of Archeology and Ethnography ASU

The museum was created in 1985. The Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of Altai is an educational unit of the Faculty of History of the Altai State University. On its basis classes are held, specialization of students of the Department of Archeology, Ethnography and Museology is being implemented. The museum conducts scientific work on the description and systematization of numerous archaeological foundations. The collections of the museum on archeology, anthropology and paleozoology are in demand by various specialists – museologists, archeologists, historians, anthropologists, ethnographers from Russia and foreign countries.

The main tasks of the museum are to store and exhibit numerous finds obtained during archaeological excavations of monuments in the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic. Museum funds are replenished annually with new collections thanks to the activities of the AltGU staff. Currently, the museum contains more than 100,000 ancient artifacts. The museum exposition consistently covers the periods of the history of Altai from the Paleolithic to the late Middle Ages. The museum displays more than 1,600 authentic artifacts. Each section of the exhibition exhibits unique finds, including objects of ancient art. Bright objects of the show are created by the staff of the museum for the reconstruction of the Aeneolithic burials and the Turkic time. Separately demonstrated unique samples of the anthropological collection. A significant part of the exhibition is devoted to reconstructions of weapons of warriors of the Middle Ages. Museum staff conducts lectures on various topics: “Ancient History of Altai”, “Altai in the Stone Age”, “Altai in the Bronze Age”, “Altai in the Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages”, “Armor and Weapons of Nomads in the Epoch of the Middle Ages” other. There are temporary exhibitions.

The university’s website emphasized: “The video is unique in that it displays artifacts that museum visitors have never seen before”. Amazing discoveries made of precious metals were made by AltSU archaeologists in Krasnoshchekovsky, Loktevsky and Pavlovsky districts of Altai Krai and in the Altai Republic. Some of them belong to the most ancient periods of history.

The museum Director Yaroslav Frolov introduces museum rarities of gold, gold foil and gold sheets. The collection of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of Altai State University contains more than 100 thousand objects from the history of Altai from the Paleolithic to the late Middle Ages. The film included the most interesting exhibits from the "golden collection" - earrings and fragments of headwear applications, torc and belt decoration. A video tour is accompanied by photographs from excavation sites where the jewelry was discovered, and graphic reconstructions of old clothes, which gold objects were part of.