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Title Gold Coin of Chandragupta I- King and Queen Type

Accession Number AM-GC-10

Museum Name Allahabad Museum, Allahabad

Patron/Dynasty Gupta

Period / Year of Work C. 4th Century CE

Inscription The coin is inscribed in Gupta Brahmi script.

Weight 7.56 gm

Brief Description Queen Kumaradevi and King Chandragupta I, depicted on a gold coin.

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Title Gold Coin of Samurdgupta- Ashwamedha Type

Accession Number AM-GC-1

Title2 Gold Coin of Samurdgupta- Ashwamedha Type

Museum Name Allahabad Museum, Allahabad

Gallery Name NA

Object Type Coin

Main Material Gold

Medium Gold

Manufacturing Technique Casting

Main Artist Not Known

Artist's Nationality Indian

Artist's Life Date / Bio Data Not Known

Origin Place Bharatpur, Rajasthan

Find Place Bharatpur, Rajasthan

Scribe Inscribed

Patron/Dynasty Gupta

Period / Year of Work C. 4th Century AD

Inscription The coin is inscribed in Gupta Brahmi script.

Denomination Not Known

Mint Not Known

Weight 7.3 gm

Dimensions NA

Brief Description Samudra Gupta (350-370 CE)celebrated Ashwamedha (horse-sacrifice) and he issued his gold coins on this occasion.

Detailed Description Samudra Gupta (350-370 CE) made extensive conquest and made his influence over the rulers of the south-eastern coast as well as over the rulers beyond his frontiers in the north-west. He celebrated as Ashwamedha (horse-sacrifice). He issued his gold coins on this occasion called Ashwamedh-Type. The detail information about the event is elaborated in Prayag-Prashshti of Harishen.

Coin Description Obverse The string of beads above the head and back of the horse; crescent above its haunch. Platform of the horse is connected with yūpa, by a vertical line above it. Legend beginning at, near the pedestal of the yūpa, rather blurred; Rajadharaja prithavamavatva davā jayatya

Coin Description Reverse Queen standing on bead -bordered mat, towel in her left hand. Aśvamedhaparākramah. Tail of kra is joined to its central horizontal line and the letter thus looks like a Chālukyan ka.

© 2020 National Portal and Digital Repository for Museums of India

Title Gold Coin of Kanishka I

Accession Number AM-GC-100

Museum Name Allahabad Museum, Allahabad

Object Type Coin

Main Material Gold

Manufacturing Technique Casting

Scribe Inscribed

Patron/Dynasty Kushana

Period / Year of Work C. Ist Century CE

Inscription The coin is inscribed in Greeck.

Mint Not Known

Weight 7.78 gm

Brief Description Gold coin of Kanishka I on the obverse with the Hellenistic divinity on reverse.

Detailed Description Huvishka(I)'s son Kanishka (Kanishka I), who was so far being considered the successor of Wima Kadphises, had issued coins in gold and copper; and on the coins of gold and silver. He used the same type of his portrayal- standing, dressed in a long tunic, shalwar, mantle held by double clasp at the chest and a low round cap, sacrifice at an alter and holding a spear in his left hand, but at the same time he did not confirm the reverse of his coins to any one particular deity. Deity bearing Iranian name Mao has been depicted on the reverse of this coin. He ended the bilingual tradition of Greek and Kharoshthi and retained only Greeck for a while and issued coins with the legend Basileos Basilion Kanishkou.

Coin Description Obverse Bearded king standing to left, on a circular mat, wearing peaked helmet, coat, trousers,holding in right hand an elephant-goad and sacrificing over an alter and grasping a spear with left hand;having sword at the waist; Bactrian legend- Shaonano Shao Kaneshki Koshno

Coin Description Reverse Moon god standing to left; Legend- Mao; Monogram in left

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