Nanchang State National Archaeological Site Park of Marquis of Haihun

The Archaeological Site of Haihun Duke in Han Dynasty in Nanchang consists of a series of important remains, taking the site of the Zijin City, cemetery of Haihun Dukes for generations and burial area for the noble and the civilian in the Han Dynasty as core. It is the largest marquis settlement historic site in the Han Dynasty with the largest area, the best preservation and the most connotations found in our country up till now. The planned area for the Park is about 12.03km2, fully considering such three major functions of Archaeological Site Park as protection, exhibition and rest, planning the structure of “one museum, four areas and one center”, adopting five major exhibition concepts which are Haihun elements, Yuzhang features, charm of Jiangxi, vigor of Han dynasty and Chinese civilization. The Park consists of six major functions areas including relics museum, tomb exhibition area, Zijin City exhibition area and archaeological reserve (to be confirmed) zone, entrance functional area and historical experience and ecological leisure area.