Qazaqstan Tarihy Portal

There are special rules about research and excavation of archaeological monuments of culture. The right for carrying out archaeological researches and archaeological works has only Institute of archeology named after A. Margulan, regional and regional archaeological expeditions. All movable archaeological monuments found at excavation or it is casual are property of the state and brought in the museums for preservation.

While carrying out the excavation works or introduction of economic works in the territory where the historical and cultural monument settles down, it is necessary to observe the principle of shared responsibility for safety of objects of history and culture, i.e. responsibility of the citizens and the organizations which are administratively operating of all levels.

Institutes on research, protection and restorations of objects of historical and cultural heritage also exercise control of carrying out in life of political, educational and cultural functions of certain historical and cultural monuments.

G. Ilyasova

(NKSU named after M. Kozybayev)

"The Golden Man's clothing was adorned with 4,000 gold ornaments. These decorations were decorated with images of snow leopards, elk, mountain goats, argali, horses, and various birds in the "animal style"."

Новости. Золотой человек – «Тутанхамон Казахстана». 22 Ноябрь 2018

© 2013-2020. Qazaqstan Tarihy порталы.

"The left side of the skull was adorned with earrings with gold stones. The headdress is similar to that of more modern Kazakhs. A necklace that looked like a gold ring, a lace dress, a bib, a sash with golden rays, a camisole and two gold rings were girdled on a heavy, elaborate belt."

Новости. Золотой человек – «Тутанхамон Казахстана». 22 Ноябрь 2018

© 2013-2020. Qazaqstan Tarihy порталы.