Coins Collection


The Medal of the Hungarian National Museum was established in 1802. It is based on a collection of about two and a half thousand pieces by the founder of the museum, Count Ferenc Széchényi, composed mainly of Hungarian and Transylvanian money. Over the past two centuries, the Coin Vault has continued to thrive through purchases, donations, bequests and artifacts from the land. It now retains more than 300,000 individually registered items. Although the collection is universal in nature, it mainly collects objects with hungarian and Hungarian implications, as well as medal artefacts from hungarian soil.



The gold bars, made in the years 367 to 375, belonged to the gold stock of the Roman mint of Sirmium, which probably came to Transylvania as the spoils of the Goths. There, however, they could have been hidden by goths fleeing the Huns in the Bodzai Strait.

They were found during excavations in 1887.