Northern Red Sea Regional Museum, Massawa

Northern Red Sea Regional Museum, Massawa

The Northern Red Sea Regional Museum was opened in 2000 on the 10th anniversary of the Fenkil Operation to exhibit natural resources of the Northern Red Sea, its cultural diversity as well as its archaeological and historical bounties. The activities of the Regional Museum eventually evolved to accommodate out-reach programs and research pursuits that culminated in public support and engagement. Of the numerous activities assumed by the Northern Red Sea Regional Museum, a sketch of different perspectives is provided to highlight the experiences of the museum to the public.


While outreach programs and stakeholders involvement in the pursuits of the Northern Red Sea Regional Museum created a stimulation of public consciousness, the creation of permanent display and exhibition venues has equally instigated a growing visitor culture from all walks of life over the years. The Northern Red Sea Regional Museum has worked to develop an exhibition encompassing materials from all segments of human history as well as specimens representing the natural resources of the region. The location of the regional museum in the port city of Massawa has enabled frequentation of different sections of the Eritrean society and the Diaspora in as much as the organized visitations by groups of tourists from different corners of the world. In this respect, the regional museum over the years has worked to stimulate public learning process and enjoyment coupled by the constant evolution of the exhibition platform and its interpretive schemes.