Cultural Relics Publishing House Co., Ltd.

The Southern Song Dynasty gold and silver currencies are mainly new varieties of ancient gold and silver currencies discovered in mainland China after the 1950s. Silver collar cellars were unearthed in Huangshi City, Hubei in 1955. In 1956, 6 gold collars were unearthed near Hangzhou Railway Station. After that, they were successively found in Hangzhou, Huzhou, Wenzhou, Lu'an, Anhui, Henan City, Liyang, Jiangsu, Huangshi, and Qi, Hubei. In spring, a large number of unearthed in Shuangliu, Sichuan, Nanjing, Jiangsu and other places. According to incomplete statistics, the total number is more than 1,000, including gold collars, gold medals, gold pages, and various inscriptions of large and small silver collars. Judging from the gold and silver currencies that have been discovered so far, their types and quantities far exceed those of previous generations, and they are diverse.

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