WKR Center for History and Archaeology

In 2012, staff of the West Kazakhstan regional center of history and archeology found a kurgan complex of Taksay 1, where "Gold woman" — the girl of 15–18 years from elite was buried. Two years archeologists and restorers worked on recovery of history of this woman. And for the first time within the international scientific-practical conference "Tendencies and Perspectives of Cultural Integration" which was taking place on November 27–28 in the National museum of Kazakhstan in Astana, the unique find was officially presented.

The archeologist and director of the West Kazakhstan regional center of history and archeology, Murat Sdykov, also the famous restorer who worked on restoration of furniture of the woman and subjects accompanied burial, Krym Altynbekov told about the young woman, who lived in 4–3 centuries BC.

"We found it in 2012 in 40 km from Uralsk. She lived in 6–5 centuries BC. It was set by dating of bone remains, wood and metal. The big group of scientists of Russia and Germany was attracted with us to research. And only now, in 2014, we could present this finding and understand it" — says Murat Sdykov.

According to the scientist, the young woman of 15–18 years in front of us belonged to noble class, perhaps to priest. She was quite tall, 170 cm, with long hair and tattoo.

According to the archeologist, burial quite non-standard, the funeral camera is made in the form of a chariot which was inherent in either military estate, or notable estate. It has many accompanying materials, but there is no a single item of arms. It says that "Altyn khanshaiym" ("Golden princess") lived at the time of early nomads when the woman had not yet actively participated in military affairs. Later, in burials of Sarmatians 4–3 centuries BC, women would already have weapons. Scientists call such warriors "steppe amazons".


Barrow No. 6 of a complex of elite burials of Taksay 1 where was found «Golden woman», was untouched. Scientist call the finding "gold" because of a large number of products and jewelry of this precious metal were found in the burial. Massive gold temporal suspension brackets, the tamga (sign) from gold plaque embroidered on a spin, wrist ornament from the canines of a wolf framed with gold — and it is not a full list of items that allow to call their owner "gold".


Today, everyone has an opportunity to see «Gold woman» in the National museum of Kazakhstan. This surprising finding which need further research with modern technologies, takes a special place among other expositions such as "Golden man", "Sarmatian leader" and "Sarmatian woman".

© 2013-2020. Qazaqstan Tarihy порталы.

© 2013-2020. Qazaqstan Tarihy порталы.

Over the past few years in the West Kazakhstan region studies of the unique mound complex of Sarmatians that was not destroyed by time or by man was held.

Since 2012, the specialist of West Kazakhstan regional center of history and archeology led by the Doctor of Historical Sciences M. Sdykov and researcher of the center Ya. Lukpanova conduct research of mound complex of Taksay 1 in Terektinsky district of West Kazakhstan.

The complex consists of six embankments. A unique composition that fully preserved burial of female-priest was found in kurgan № 6. An important sign for archaeological searches of the monument became a silver rhyton and a ring, which was found in the area during the arable work 60 years ago.

Before the start of excavation earth embankment of the mound was in one meter height, because it was open. In original form it was significantly higher.

Preliminary dating conducted by the radiocarbon method for residues of wood and bone allowed to talk about the origin of the monument during the late 6th- beginnings of 5th century BC.

Studies of Sarmatian culture in science of the West Kazakhstan center of history and archeology are based on the results of the Ural School of Archaeology, which was formed in Uralsk in the 70 years of the 20th century. It is logical that sarmatologiya is now one of the main, along with the study of medieval urban culture, trends in the work of center. Within 10 years, almost since the founding of the center of history and archeology, has been studied for more than 50 Sarmatian burial mounds, including complexes Segizsay, Kyryk-Oba Buldurta, Oblavka and so on.

In 2012, during excavations by archaeologists of the complex Taksay West-Kazakhstan Center of History and Archaeology was found buried noblewoman of early Sarmatian time. Materials found here, the method of burial, funeral design elements, a large number of ritual objects and articles of gold. Also cast charred from the fire crest depicting a battle scene caused a wide resonance in the scientific world is well preserved.

Finding of such level is investigated for the first time in the history of the West Kazakhstan. Previously discovered here «golden woman» of complex Segizsay (Lebedevka) of West Kazakhstan region and the «golden warrior Sarmatian» of Atyrau region are significantly inferior in degree of saturation informative decoration and subjects of Taksay complex.

It was not accidental the selection of Taksay complex as an object for the excavation. In 1965, according to the experts, items from the arable land belonged to the Sarmatian period.

Among the findings was and silver rhyton, soon became widely known in scientific circles. Only in 2012, after 37 years, the place of random findings was investigated and four mounds complex were defined. Since that time an annual archeological work was held.

During the field season, three mounds were excavated. In the first two barrows found ordinary burials, which gave interesting, but a few findings. And only the last and third mound brought largely unique material.

We introduce the results of the study of artifacts from Taksay complex. All studies were carried out on the basis of the West Kazakhstan Center of History and Archeology. Scientist and specialists of Astana and Almaty, Tokyo (Japan), Bochum and Frankfurt Düsseldorf (Germany), Moscow, St. Petersburg, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Pushchino and Novosibirsk were invited to work.

Specialists of scientific restoration workshop, led by well-known artist and restorer of Kazakhstan, together with scientists from the center prepared sculptural reconstruction of the woman who is now exhibited in the National Museum of History in Astana. Here there are all original findings. In Uralsk exposed second sculpture and copies of key artifacts.

M.Sdykov,Doctor of Historical Sciences

Ya. Lukpanova. researcher at the West-Kazakhstan Center of History and Archaeology

“Golden woman”

© 2013-2020. Qazaqstan Tarihy порталы.

© 2013-2020. Qazaqstan Tarihy порталы.