Museum of the Institute of History and Philology

Bronze Sword with Gold Hilt

This bronze sword has a golden hilt, long and narrow body with the middle ridge being protruded, and the two blades are extremely narrow and thin. The hollow hilt has an oval head decorated with delicate coiled ch’ih dragon pattern, and a crossguard in taotie pattern with one crouching cub on both the left and right sides. This kind of bronze sword with gold hilt is rare in excavation, and its spiral grip is the type mostly found in the southwestern and northwestern regions of China.

Item No. h0000382

Period 771-221 B.C.

Dimensions Length 30.8cm, width 3.9cm

Excavated/Findspot Liu-li-ko Tomb Chia in Hui County of Honan Province

© 2020 Museum of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica